U-14 season starts Saturday

To:  All U-14 players


From: The coaches (Jay, Dan, and Bob)


We will hold our first Saturday practice this coming Saturday (October 11, 2008) at 11:00 a.m. at Riley Rink (meet outside at the roller rink). We will be done at 12:00.     


Our plan is to kick things off with a street hockey game.


Players should bring the following:


  1. Hockey stick (an old one if you have it – I will have some extra street hockey sticks available)
  2. Hockey gloves
  3. Hockey helmet (up to Mom and Dad)
  4. Mouth guard (up to Mom and Dad)
  5. Shin guards optional (you may want to wear shorts with soccer socks and soccer shin guards)
  6. Sneakers
  7. Water bottle


If you want to purchase a street hockey stick I believe that Dick's Sporting goods has them (I am not sure about Real Sports). Dick's also has street hockey blades for $3.00 if you have an old shaft.


Our plan will be to hold off ice practice every Saturday (weather permitting) when we do not have a game. The time may change depending on preference.    


I hope to see everyone on Saturday.


Please call if you have any questions.


Thank you,


Bob Thompson

Hill & Thompson, P.C.

W -802-362-1880

 H- 362-5886