Directions to Dartmouth Arena

Hi All,
Attached is a pdf file showing directions to the Dartmouth Arena (Thompson Arena).

U14 this week December 3 - 9

Hi All,

This week for U14:

Monday Dec. 3    5:45-6:45pm - regular practice  

Thursday Dec. 6   6:00pm - off-ice training / 7:00-8:00pm - regular practice

Friday Dec,.7  4:45-5:45pm - cross ice

Saturday Dec. 8  - AWAY  vs. Hanover at Dartmouth College Arena at 8:15pm ** This is a great opportunity to play at the college arena! Please be at the rink by 5:30pm to "caravan" over to Hanover. NOTE - There is a BBA girls home game at 4:30pm - come to the rink early and cheer them on!

Sunday Dec. 9 -  HOME game vs. Brattleboro at Riley Rink at 12:45pm - please be at the rink by 12:00 noon.

Please let me or the coaches know if you need a ride or can't be at either of the games!

Also, I need to collect the tournament fee of $37.50 per player - checks made payable to NHA.

See you at the rink.

Take care,  Liz