"Girls Night Out" hockey Friday 1/25 6pm

Hi All,

There will be a special "girls night out" hockey practice on Friday January 25 from 6 to 7pm (immediately following cross-ice). This will probabaly be a cross-ice or full-ice game for U14 and U12 players.

See you at the rink!

RE: friday 6-7pm scrimage opportunity against the squirts

Coach Miskovsky,
Amelia and Katherine Salsgiver would like to play in the scrimmage.  They will be at Cross Ice beforehand.

Jim Salsgiver

> Subject: RE: friday 6-7pm scrimage opportunity against the squirts
> Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:29:07 -0500
> From: MISE@phin.org
> To: berard@together.net; bob@hillandthompsonpc.com; BS7@vermontel.net; carisaann@hotmail.com; wcourtneylowe@comcast.net; craigin@comcast.net; sudanf6@verizon.net; daphnelowe@vcpsir.com; DAWNLDORR@COMCAST.NET; palmergar@vermontel.net; jsalsgiver@hotmail.com; julieandleigh@yahoo.com; mcorvino@comcast.net; miskov5@sover.net; PEGGYMONTAGUE@VCPSIR.COM; vtsabol@sover.net; swarren1.nagu14@blogger.com; swarren@aisquared.com; sheilacorvino@hotmail.com
> People,
> We have been asked if we want to do a scrimmage with the squirts on
> Friday from 6-7 pm. I would anticipate that some u12s could play also
> Gary. Please email me or liz asap today so I can have a head count and
> I can reply to the squirt's coaches.
> For those of you who do cross ice, this would be the block right after
> cross ice, so you could skate for 2 hours.......... and play fun hockey
> for 2 hours!!!!!!!
> Thanks
> Emil
> DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this electronic message is
> legally privileged and confidential under applicable law and is
> intended for a particular addressee(s). If it is not clear that you
> are the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have
> received this transmittal in error; any review, copying or distribution
> or dissemination is strictly prohibited. If you suspect
> that you have received this transmittal in error, please notify
> Southwestern VT Health Care Corporation immediately by return email
> reply to (helpdesk@phin.org), and immediately delete the transmittal
> and any attachments without making any copy or distribution. Thank
> you.

Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power. Play now!

RE: friday 6-7pm scrimage opportunity against the squirts


We have been asked if we want to do a scrimmage with the squirts on
Friday from 6-7 pm. I would anticipate that some u12s could play also
Gary. Please email me or liz asap today so I can have a head count and
I can reply to the squirt's coaches.

For those of you who do cross ice, this would be the block right after
cross ice, so you could skate for 2 hours.......... and play fun hockey
for 2 hours!!!!!!!


DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this electronic message is
legally privileged and confidential under applicable law and is
intended for a particular addressee(s). If it is not clear that you
are the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have
received this transmittal in error; any review, copying or distribution
or dissemination is strictly prohibited. If you suspect
that you have received this transmittal in error, please notify
Southwestern VT Health Care Corporation immediately by return email
reply to (helpdesk@phin.org), and immediately delete the transmittal
and any attachments without making any copy or distribution. Thank

RE: U14 this week January 21 - 27

Thanks as always Liz. 


For this week, we would like to use the off ice session as a class room activity.  I would like all the team to be there so that we can grow together.  Several of you do not come at 6 on a regular basis, so I want to emphasize that we need you there this week (and always really). 


I would like for the players to have a few expectations of practice and games:

            1.  I will expect to improve

            2.  I will go as fast as possible in practice and in games

            3.  I will improve my anticipation of the play and be in position to support the play

            4.  I will become a better skater by improving on the aspects of skating I have more difficulty with

            5.  I will work on my stick work at home daily (including shooting) and go to stick and puck sessions and the cross ice sessions to improve my stickhandling, shooting, and passing

            6.  I will communicate with my line mates and my team mates often



Please share these with the girls.


See you at the rink



From: Liz Berard [mailto:berard@together.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:04 PM
To: andrea@rosssearch.com; bob@hillandthompsonpc.com; BS7@vermontel.net; carisaann@hotmail.com; wcourtneylowe@comcast.net; craigin@comcast.net; craigin@comcast.net; sudanf6@verizon.net; daphnelowe@vcpsir.com; DAWNLDORR@COMCAST.NET; gmarmer@verizon.net; palmergar@vermontel.net; JSHAYSSEN@AOL.COM; jblyeager@adelphia.net; jsalsgiver@hotmail.com; julieandleigh@yahoo.com; RI2VT@ADELPHIA.NET; mcorvino@comcast.net; miskov5@sover.net; Miskovsky, Emil; PEGGYMONTAGUE@VCPSIR.COM; vtsabol@sover.net; swarren1.nagu14@blogger.com; swarren@aisquared.com; sheilacorvino@hotmail.com
Subject: U14 this week January 21 - 27



 Hi All,

This week for U14:

Monday Jan. 21  5:45-6:45pm - regular practice  

Thursday Jan. 24  6:00pm - off-ice training / 7:00-8:00pm - regular practice

Friday Jan. 25  4:45 - 5:45pm - cross ice

Sunday Jan. 27  12:45pm AWAY at CVCC (Central Vermont Civic Center) vs. CVSA - We will leave from Riley Rink at 9:45am to "caravan" up to the game. As usual, please let me or the coaches know if your player will need a ride. The Civic Center is on arena maps, and they also have a website.

See you at the rink.

Take care,  Liz


Directions to the Montpelier Rink

Take Exit 8 off I-89, Stay straight and follow signs for US Route 2 East for about 2.5 miles.  You will come to a fork in the road at a set of lights with Walker Motors on your right - stay on Route 2 (straight - do not bear right).  You will go past Agway Farm and Garden and just up a bit you will turn left onto Gallison Hill Road.  Continue a short distance and you'll see the Civic Center on your left. 


U14 state tournament

Hi All,

We are trying to get a final count on how many players we will have for the state tournament. Could you please email me back and let me know if your daughter will be playing in the tournament? (even if I've already talked to you!).

Thank you so much!

U14 this week January 21 - 27


 Hi All,

This week for U14:

Monday Jan. 21  5:45-6:45pm - regular practice  

Thursday Jan. 24  6:00pm - off-ice training / 7:00-8:00pm - regular practice

Friday Jan. 25  4:45 - 5:45pm - cross ice

Sunday Jan. 27  12:45pm AWAY at CVCC (Central Vermont Civic Center) vs. CVSA - We will leave from Riley Rink at 9:45am to "caravan" up to the game. As usual, please let me or the coaches know if your player will need a ride. The Civic Center is on arena maps, and they also have a website.

See you at the rink.

Take care,  Liz


Directions to the Montpelier Rink

Take Exit 8 off I-89, Stay straight and follow signs for US Route 2 East for about 2.5 miles.  You will come to a fork in the road at a set of lights with Walker Motors on your right - stay on Route 2 (straight - do not bear right).  You will go past Agway Farm and Garden and just up a bit you will turn left onto Gallison Hill Road.  Continue a short distance and you'll see the Civic Center on your left.