U14 this week November 26 - December 2

 Hi All,

This week for U14:

Great game today!

Monday Nov. 26    5:45-6:45pm - regular practice  

Wednesday Nov. 28  1st home BBA game (not sure of the times) - come out and cheer them on!

Thursday Nov. 29  7:00-8:00pm - regular practice

Friday Nov. 30  4:45-5:45pm - cross ice

Saturday Dec. 1  - HOME gave vs. CSB at Riley Rink at 12:30pm - please be at the rink by 11:45am.

Sunday Dec. 2 - AWAY game vs. Brattleboro at Withington Arena at 12:30pm  - please be at the rink by 10:45am to "caravan" over to Brattleboro.


See you at the rink.

Take care,  Liz