-----Original Message-----
>From: Jay Leech <jay@selectscience.net>
>Sent: Feb 23, 2009 10:58 AM
>To: 'Liz Berard' <berard@together.net>, bob@hillandthompsonpc.com, BS7@vermontel.net, Callen@svcable.net, carisaann@hotmail.com, craigin@comcast.net, sudanf6@verizon.net, dchandler@chandler4corners.com, DAWNLDORR@COMCAST.NET, esev@comcast.net, djchandler44@gmail.com, jsalsgiver@hotmail.com, julieandleigh@yahoo.com, kathyleech@comcast.net, KLeech@Chittenden.com, kbutterworth@vermontcountrystore.com, RI2VT@comcast.NET, mayroo_b@hotmail.com, mcorvino@comcast.net, dydoco@comcast.net, swarren@aisquared.com, swarren1.nagu14@blogger.com, sheilacorvino@hotmail.com
>Subject: RE: U14 hockey practice - TUESDAY
>Mary is on the fence about practice Tuesday.
>Jay Leech
>Account Manager
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Liz Berard [mailto:berard@together.net]
>Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:52 AM
>To: bob@hillandthompsonpc.com; BS7@vermontel.net; Callen@svcable.net; carisaann@hotmail.com; craigin@comcast.net; sudanf6@verizon.net; dchandler@chandler4corners.com; DAWNLDORR@COMCAST.NET; esev@comcast.net; djchandler44@gmail.com; jay@selectscience.net; jsalsgiver@hotmail.com; julieandleigh@yahoo.com; kathyleech@comcast.net; KLeech@Chittenden.com; kbutterworth@vermontcountrystore.com; RI2VT@comcast.NET; mayroo_b@hotmail.com; mcorvino@comcast.net; dydoco@comcast.net; swarren@aisquared.com; swarren1.nagu14@blogger.com; sheilacorvino@hotmail.com
>Subject: U14 hockey practice - TUESDAY
>Hi All,
>We are trying to get a "head count" of how many girls are planning to be at practice on Tuesday night. We have heard that some may be attending the BBA girls semi-final game up in Norwich. Please advise us if you're planning to be at practice, so the coaches can make a plan.
>Thank you!
RE: U14 hockey practice - TUESDAY
Clara will be going to the game at Norwich - go BBA!!