U-14 Parents:
Below is the roster of girls for the Southern Vermont Hockey program for this summer. This is the "once a week" program that is reasonably priced. Skating takes place at Riley Rink and at the Rutland Field House. The registration form calls for girls whose birth dates are from 1994 - 1998, but Gary has informed me that the U14s from last year who were born in 1993 would also be eligible. Below is Gary's email:
Take care, Liz
June is here and we're on the ice in just 28 days. I know several of you that have planned to sign-up but haven't yet - looking forward to seeing your registrations. If you haven't signed up and want to, just print out the attached and get it over to the rink (or call, or email Susan).
We currently have 22 southern VT players signed-up!!!!! I'm guessing we'll have about 30-35 by the time our June 29th try-in takes place. Here's our current "roster":
Kaylie Benson
Kelsie Benson
Meg Chandler
Hannah Dingley
Molly Dingley
Megan Grabher
Sarah Hamilton
Aileenka Hardesty
Mary Leech
Abigail Marmer
Danielle Marmer
Charlotte Palmer
Rachael Pawlaczyk
Heather Ploof
Maria Ploof
Grace Powers
Erin Reilly
Laura Rollins
Maddie Rollins
Emelie Severence
Molly Smith
Daisy Sullivan
Emily Wilson