Hi All,
WOW - what an exciting weekend of hockey! I think we can all agree that we have just seen some of the best hockey of the season!
Here is our schedule for this week. On Tuesday, the coaches would like the players to arrive at 5:30pm for "off ice" training. We only have ONE practice this week - on Tuesday - because we have the Rutland Tournament next weekend, which begins on Friday! We will have 4 games in Rutland, with the time of the final game on Sunday to be determined by the standings at the end of the day on Saturday. PLEASE bring BOTH home and away jerseys - I am not sure which games will be "home" for us.
Tuesday January 20 - 6:45 - 8:00pm - regular practice **NOTE - please be at the rink by 5:30pm for off-ice training.
Friday January 23 - 7:45pm - Northshire vs Kearsage (be at Giorgetti by 6:45pm)
Saturday January 24 - 7:45am - Troy/Albany vs Northshire (be at Giorgetti by 6:45am)
Saturday January 24 - 8:00pm - Lake Placid vs Northshire (be at Giorgetti by 7:00pm)
Sunday January 25 - Time TBA - possible game slots are at 9:30am, 11:00am and 2:00pm
See you at the rink!