U14 this week February 11 - 17

 Hi All,

Wow - what a great game in Brattleboro! It seemed like the best game yet.

This week for U14:

Monday Feb. 11 5:45-6:45pm - regular practice  

Thursday Feb. 14 6:00pm - off-ice training / 7:00-8:00pm - regular practice

Sunday Feb. 17  7:00am AWAY at Highgate. We don't know who we'll be playing yet. In looking at the schedule, it could be Missisquoi or Stowe...but who knows?

**Note if you have made reservations at the University Inn for Friday night, you need to cancel by 6pm on Friday to avoid being charged. You will probably want to keep your reservation for Saturday night (or get up very, very, very early!).

See you at the rink!

Take care,   Liz :)