Re: U14 this week December 10 - 16

Sounds like a great idea.  We'll bring a munchie.  Kate
On Dec 12, 2007, at 7:05 AM, Bo Slavin wrote:

hi all! after the game on sunday we thought it would be nice and festive to gather together and do a "Yankee swap" with the girls! everyone wrap up a gift, no more than $3 or something handmade, and we'll exchange and swap as we enjoy some homemade goodies and all get to know one another a little bit better!

please let me know if you can make it and if you can bring cookies, hot coocoa, juice or some sort of fun treat to the rink! look forward to seeing everyone!!!

i await your reply!
your "social director" bo slavin

On Dec 9, 2007, at 5:08 PM, Liz Berard wrote:

 Hi All,

This week for U14:

Monday Dec. 10    5:45-6:45pm - regular practice  

Thursday Dec. 13   6:00pm - off-ice training / 7:00-8:00pm - regular practice

Friday Dec,.14  4:45-5:45pm - cross ice

Saturday Dec. 15  - AWAY  vs. Rutland at the Field House (the rink behind the mall) at 1:30pm. Please be at the rink by 12:00pm to "caravan" up to Rutland.

Sunday Dec. 16 -  HOME game vs. Saugerties U16 at Riley Rink at 12:45pm - please be at the rink by 12:00 noon. **Holiday refreshments after game - details to follow soon!!!

Please let me or the coaches know if you need a ride or can't be at either of the games!

REMINDER: I need to collect the tournament fee of $40.00 per player - checks made payable to NHA. I will be at practice Monday and Thursday and I will be looking for you!

See you at the rink.

Take care,  Liz